Fusion Corporation R&D — The Forensic Speech|Acoustics|Video|Image Analysis & Research Provider

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Preliminary Examination Request

* = required information

Notification of Conditions

A 'Preliminary Examination' is a very affordable way of getting to understand the basic qualities or characteristics of certain evidence you have. The short write-up we provide after performing a Preliminary Examination is purely and simply designed to help you determine the viability of taking a case or forensic investigation further. The process and outcome is not intended to be as detailed and time-consuming as any fuller analyses we may provide.

A Preliminary Examination is only intended to provide a general overview of some content or scenario related to the evidence in question. The overall maximum time we will allocate to a Preliminary Examination is 2.5 hours; no personal/court attendances or witness statements are provided;
costs payable by you are therefore much lower. We can also perform a 'Rapid Assessment' (completed within 7 Working Days; allocating an overall maximum time of 10 minutes) at an even lower cost.

A Preliminary Examination may be applied to a maximum of 7 items of evidential media we receive from you. Each separate item, and a single most important issue related to it, should therefore be specifically listed and described in this form. To avoid problems relating to funding or non-payment we do require receipt of your full advance payment for all Preliminary Examinations requested at least 3 days before proceeding with any work to which your payment relates. Doing this ensures we can prioritise and schedule matters accordingly.

Due to the preparation and scheduling involved in processing a Preliminary Examination payments are non-refundable in the event of cancellations or issues related to any information supply/delays of any kind. Similarly, no loss, damage or other liabilities arising in any way whatsoever from what we consider to be undue use or reliance on a Preliminary Examination shall be accepted by us.

Our Preliminary Examination aims to suit a range budgets and deadlines by operating only within a certain 'Working Day' scale (meaning from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 4pm; excluding all UK bank/public holidays). When completing this request please therefore be sure to
select the Timeframe most suited to your needs.

Once you have checked all information required is correct simply click 'I agree', then click 'send' to process your Preliminary Examination request. You can then move on to make your advance payment to us, as appropriate.

Enquiring as a*:

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